Use Adobe Color to create a color palette for your projects
From time to time, we all ask ourselves this question: which colors to choose for our next project? Often, we find inspiration during our travels or walks in nature, or from a work of art. But it can be a little difficult to replicate the shades of color that we see. This is when “Adobe Color” can help us.
Flower Power Quilt Block
We’re thrilled to announce a collaboration with Annie’s Craft Store and Quilter’s World for their May Quilt Block Party! We’ve designed a block for their Block of the Month program and it’s called “Flower Power”.
Falling in love again with appliqué at the craft fair Pour l’Amour du Fil
Appliqué quilts with a fresh perspective and a sense of humor: a focus on the artwork of Deborah Dorward and Megan Manwaring
QuiltCon 2022 Part II: Favorites
There were so many gorgeous and inspiring quilts at QuiltCon that it is difficult to choose which ones to highlight! Here are a selection of some of my favorites, in no particular order.